Weekly Ed-Tech / Digital Scholarship Trends: February 20, 2013

Oxford Blocks Google Docs

This week, the University of Oxford took the extreme action of blocking access to Google Docs, due to security concerns. The block lasted two and a half hours because “the impact on legitimate business was greater than anticipated, in part owing to the tight integration of Google Docs into other Google services.” Subsequently, Oxford University Computing Services apologized to their users.

Library Associations Stand Up to Edwin Mellen Press

The ARL and CARL issued a joint statement in support of Dale Askey and McMaster University.

Disrupting Higher Education

From Audrey Watters, we have a “storified” account of the Online Education Symposium at Trinity College, Dublin.

Digital Scholarship and Promotion

In the essay “What Counts?“, Ruth Starkman discusses digital scholarship and tenure. Is there a tension between faculty and institutions with how they view digital scholarship? The topic is further considered in an article, “Closing the Evaluation Gap” from the Journal of Digital Humanities.

DH Finds a Place in Liberal Arts

Dr. William Pannapacker led a discussion on “Getting Started in the Digital Liberal Arts” at Hendrix College and further added to the conversation in an article “Stop Calling it ‘Digital Humanities’ and Nine Other Strategies to Help Liberal-Arts Colleges join the Movement” published through the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Moore’s Law on MOOCs

Every week the amount written about MOOCs will double in half the time. Sorting through the sheer volume of MOOC musings, your post of the week comes from Nigel Thrift. While in related news, the British Library has become the first library to join a MOOC provider (FutureLearn) and Kalia Rosa asks on the Guardian‘s Blogging Students Blog “Should ‘real’ students do an online course on the side?

Through the Google Looking Glasses

Educators may have their mobile phone policies in place, but what about their Google Glass policies? The company has released more information about the product and the video below gives a further glimpse of the interface and how Glass may be used.


Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

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