Liberal Arts College to Add New Post-Apocalypse Preparedness Major
Lifelong learning shouldn't end, just because the world has.
Lifelong learning shouldn't end, just because the world has.
What sets this series apart from other works of fantasy are the larger themes Jemisin explores.
In The Fifth Season, N.K. Jemisin creates a unique world where instability and ruin seem to be the only constant.
The final novel of the Silo Series makes up for the lackluster second novel, Shift.
If you think the post-apocalyptic novel is a tired medium, then you haven't read Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.
If you think the post-apocalyptic novel is a tired medium, then you haven’t read Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. The novel is complex, doesn’t focus on the action-packed, survival porn like The Walking Dead, and threads a dreaminess between one character’s science fiction comic-book creation and the travels of The Symphony, a group of performers who trek the wilds of Michigan and Ontario, performing in small settlements like New Petoskey, Traverse City, and New Sarnia.