Adventures: Iceland

We leave for Iceland on Friday morning.  It seems like a long time ago when the idea of travelling came up.  Now, there are suitcases, packs, and camping gear strewn…

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Goals: Read 30 Books

Last year, I read 29 books.  In 2009, it was 26 books.  My plan this year: 30 books. 2011 Reading ChallengeTim Lepczyk has read 0 books toward his goal of…


Goals: Travel Overseas

R and I have been talking and one goal we both have is a trip somewhere cool.  India?  Chile?  Turkey?  Still planning, still scheming.  Any suggestions for great places to…


Goals: Spend More Time Outside

St. Louis isn't the best for people that like the outdoors.  This goal could be a little more challenging, but I need to make an effort to go hiking, camping…


Goals: Stay Active

People always have goals to get in shape or be healthy.  I'm usually pretty good about exercising, but need to recommit to a plan.  The MS150 was a great goal…


Goals: Keep Practicing Guitar

This past year I finally took some guitar lessons from the Folk School of St. Louis.  It was a great experience and I need to take more lessons.  Playing guitar…


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