New Trend: Sleeping Baby Massage

Beverly Hills, CA—A hot, new trend is sweeping California. After a long day at work or a tough session of crossfit, people across the state are seeking sleeping baby massages. It’s similar to hot stone massages, but instead of stones, warm, sleeping babies are placed across the back and head.

Spa owner, Dawn Gladwell, says, “Babies are like the best weight. 7-1o pounds is perfect for soothing without pinching any nerves. Not to mention, new baby smell can also be marketed as aroma therapy.” Gladwell and her husband, Dustin, came up with the idea after the birth of their first daughter, Emma. “Have you ever had a baby sleep on you?” asked Dustin. “It’s amazing. Relaxes you more than eating turkey.”

While the couple has received some criticism, it’s mostly muted as the babies are nonverbal. Of course, their parents do sign a release form. One parent said, “It’s sort of like daycare, but instead of paying $2,000 a month, my baby is actually earning his own paycheck.”

Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

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