As some of you are aware, this year I started work on Scintilla/Scintilla Press. It’s been a work in progress. How do you start a literary magazine? How do assemble an editorial board? How do you collect and manage submissions? There’s a lot to plan. Another consideration was how to effectively deliver an online literary magazine?
To tackle that problem I re-familiarized myself with php and learned how to use WordPress as a CMS. This website ( was my first test. When I felt confident in my abilities, I started designing Scintilla.
Now, the first issue is published. There’s wonderful work from writers I respect. It’s a joy to make something, but it’s a greater joy to make something that showcases other people’s work. That’s what Scintilla is: a magazine full of rich voices and unique perspectives. If you’d like to submit work to Scintilla, you may do so here. Otherwise, keep checking in and enjoy the magazine.