After the Funeral
I stand on black water, like a navigator at night, maps aglow in lantern light, as the stars wink out one by one. Not sure how well this poem…
I stand on black water, like a navigator at night, maps aglow in lantern light, as the stars wink out one by one. Not sure how well this poem…
My poem "Contact" was originally published in the Winter 2012 issue of the Dunes Review.
My poem "Small Spaces" was originally published by the Dunes Review in their Winter/Spring 2014 issue.
While the lots of First Baptist and Central Methodist are filled tight like parishioners in the pews knees touching knees beneath khaki and hose the atheists are on the move…
Poem about disconnecting from mobile devices and social media.
Inspired while out cross-country skiing with my wife on Lost Lake Trail in Northern Michigan.
Gunshots fill the night dogs howl in the distance New Year's Eve in Arkansas.