Interesting analysis of how covid remade America in the NY Times.
Coming Back to the Office After Two Years
I only worked at WGBH for two weeks before we all went remote with the idea that we'd be back in two weeks, three tops. Now, two years later, I'm…
Legs Like Leaden Lumps
Second run in the books. Sheesh. Not doing much during a pandemic really affects endurance.

First Jog Since April
Coping during Covid sucks. Exercise has been a strategy for coping with stress. But, it's been hard to do that at home with the demands of family and work. Today,…

Reading During the Plague Year
A quick summary of what I read this year while coronavirus blanketed the Earth.

NY Times: How We Survive Winter
Read this essay last night and enjoyed it. With all of the talk that this will be "our darkest winter," it's refreshing to remember that light returns and in our…
It Ain’t Easy, But Keep Going
In those moments, the unease begins to seep into my thoughts. It's as if there's something terrible in the room with me that I can't quite see because it's too awful.
Amongst the Sand and Shells
For my daughter, the shell is a shell, until it becomes a shovel, a swimming pool for fairy dolls, a marker of her grandmother who died when my daughter was a baby.