Who Needs Donuts (When You’ve Got Love?)

This was one of my favorite books as a kid. I remember puzzling over the bizarre and extremely detailed drawings again and again. The book slipped out of my memory for a while and didn’t re-enter until a conversation I had with my mom.

We were talking about children’s books in regard to my daughter. I ended up buying Who Needs Donuts online (thankfully it was re-printed in 2003). S— was also mesmerized by the artwork. We read it together last night. She wanted to know why the Sad Old Woman was so sad? Why the pigeons were part horse? Why did a bull run into a coffee tank? Why does Sam look like that? What are those people saying?

Each page brings more questions as you get drawn in to the frenetic intricacies. So, if you’re looking for a new kid’s book, check this one out. It’s great. For an interesting interview with the author / illustrator, read this.

Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

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