The High Sparrow’s Champion: Ser Loras Tyrell vs Zombie Ser Gregor Clegane (Robert Strong)

The last time we saw Ser Loras Tyrell compete against Ser Gregor Clegane, it would have ended with a wilted bouquet if not for the intervention of Sandor Clegane, The Hound.

With Cersei’s trial by combat approaching, I think Ser Robert Strong (the Zombie Mountain) will face off against Ser Loras Tyrell. Why?

  1. Ser Loras is already breaking while locked up by the Faith.
  2. Ser Loras may be offered atonement if he wins.
  3. Queen Margery has sided with the Faith in order to further her own goals.
  4. Queen Margery would benefit with Cersei’s champion losing and thus being sentenced to death.
  5. Finally, Ser Loras Tyrell is probably the best fighter of the Faith (assuming he joins them).

Also, in terms of plot, a fight in which Ser Loras Tyrell may die because of Cersei will only ratchet up the hatred and drama between the Tyrells and the Lannisters.


I’m too pretty to die.


Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

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