St. Louis: Not Bike Friendly

Whenever I bike in St. Louis there’s always a certain amount of trepidation.  Who’s going to be a jerk this time, and what are they going to do?  Those are two questions I have in mind and I mentally prepare to deal with people yelling at me, honking, driving too close on purpose, anything to give me the message, “You’re not welcome here.”

If you disagree, I suggest spending time in Minneapolis or Toronto, two truly bike friendly cities where commuting by bicycle is a normal event.  Bike lanes are clearly marked.  Motorists respect cyclist’s rights to be on the road.  Overall, it’s a positive experience.

For St. Louis to encourage cycling, there needs to be a change in attitude.  Here and there a cyclist will find a bike lane, but often it continues for a few blocks, then disappears.  More often, a cyclist will find poorly maintained roads filled with broken glass, debris, and rude drivers.  One group that’s trying to change the culture of biking in St. Louis is the Saint Louis Regional Bike Federation.  Check them out and add your support to cycling in STL.

Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

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