Prefiguration of Lalo Cura – Roberto Bolaño

Bolaño’s writing is at ease in settings full of drug dealers, whores, artists, and poets.  Petty criminals and creative types mix over marijuana, sex, and alcohol, all with a dream in mind, whether attainable or not.

In Prefiguration of Lalo Cura, the reader is introduced to Lalo Cura who matter-of-factly states “I’ve had people killed.  I’ve given the best birthday presents. I’ve backed projects of epic proportions. I’ve opened my eyes in the dark. Once, I opened them by slow degrees in total darkness, and all I saw or imagined was that name: Los Empalados, shining like the star of destiny.”

Tim Lepczyk

Writer, Technologist, and Librarian.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Victoria

    >I found this page while searching for reviews of the story. I just finished it. It's my first Bolano piece, and I have to say that I'm not impressed. If his work largly focuses on details of the minor characters, I'm not sure I'll find it as riveting as many writers do.

  2. Tim

    >I struggled to make it through the Savage Detectives. While Bolaño pushes fiction in some interesting directions, his writing isn't captivating or compelling. In that regard, it falls short.

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