More on the AHA, ETDs and Libraries
"More on the AHA, ETDs and Libraries," written by Kevin Smith and published on Scholarly Communications @ Duke.
"More on the AHA, ETDs and Libraries," written by Kevin Smith and published on Scholarly Communications @ Duke.
If you work with digital repositories or in the scholarly communication world, you may be aware of the AHA’s new recommendation regarding history dissertations.
Looking for a new web publication of all things digital humanities? Check out A Guide to Digital Humanities, from the Center for Scholarly Communication & Digital Curation at Northwestern University.
Build it. Publish it. Share it. Invite scholars to build upon it. Anvil Academic's first publishing venture is the Built Upon series. The "series encourages authors to investigate and invigorate…
Right now, someone is doing something incredibly cool and you've never heard of it. Maybe, you've never imagined it. Even with our overly interconnected world, cool things can pass you…