The PressForward project at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) now invites applications for a one-year position (with the possibility of renewal) at the rank of Research Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will work with the project directors to manage the publication of Digital Humanities Now and the Journal of Digital Humanities, as well as to perform project outreach and to experiment with new forms of open-access digital publishing.
The Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) seeks an Administrative Professional to serve as Director of the Digital Humanities Seed Lab. The successful candidate will work closely with the IHR Director, Digital Humanities Advisory Board, and staff to conceptualize and implement an ASU-wide initiative on digital humanities research. The successful candidate will draw upon previous training/ experience in digital humanities and new media to build external networks, seek out and/or create funding opportunities, develop a strategic vision for building and managing digital programs and projects, and further the mission of humanities research at ASU. Anticipated start date is August 2013. Salary $45,000-$60,000, depending on experience.
As director, the successful candidate will be expected to work directly with researchers to define, develop, and/or analyze project design, scope, and/or needs; evaluate existing and/or emerging tools and technologies to identify potential uses in humanities research at ASU; and collaborate with other ASU units/agencies to understand and apply various technology infrastructures to maximize resources and effectiveness. The successful candidate will also provide limited technical support for digital humanities research projects, including implementation of tools, technology, etc. to help researcher achieve goals; develop prototype demonstration projects for use by others; and provide training, group instruction or workshops as appropriate.
My blog post “Alt-Ac: Breathing Life into Libraries or Eroding the Profession?” made me realize I didn’t fully understand what those who self-identify as alternative academics mean when they use the term AltAc. So, I turned to Twitter and began asking questions. Based on the conversation, I guess I’m an alternative academic, though I’ve never thought about it in those terms.
The Alt-Ac movement is a response to the dismal academic job market and the toxicity of graduate school an opportunity for scholars to use skills developed in their studies in new contexts. If you’re unfamiliar with the term Alt-Ac, it’s shorthand for “alternative academics,” and describes people that have left the professoriate to pursue jobs in non-profits, government, libraries, museums, and the private-sector. In this post, we’ll focus on libraries and continue the Alt-Ac conversation.
Innovation vs Protectionism
As was pointed out in the comments of my post, “What Does an Unsuccessful Academic Library Look Like,” libraries need to change and adapt. They need to ask faculty and students what they want from a library and plan accordingly. Does that mean libraries of tomorrow will look different than libraries of today? Does it mean libraries will no longer support core services? Or, does it mean libraries will continue to forge a hybrid role on campuses as an engaged partner in teaching, learning, and research?