I’m a technologist, librarian, writer, and father currently working in the Archives of WGBH Educational Foundation. So far, I’ve worked for an educational technology startup, led academic technology at a liberal arts college, and was a digital librarian at two R1 research universities. My non-professional work experience includes maintaining trails for a nature conservancy, farm labor in vineyards, cooking in restaurants, conducting surveys for Gallup, and being an office temp in an auto parts factory going through resumes to find my full-time replacement.
I love cooking, spending time with my family, traveling, being outdoors, and reading.
You can find me on Mastodon and LinkedIn.
Official, Boring Third-Person Media Blurb
Tim Lepczyk is a Michigan writer living in Boston. Tim’s fiction and poems have been published in Toadsuck Review, Dunes Review, UCity Review, Aethlon, and Regarding Arts and Letters and his nonfiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Award. Additionally, Tim also founded and published the literary magazine, Scintilla.